02 September 2011

6 Sticker Attacks!!

Share some random pics that i taken in Sukabumi couple days ago, i spreading my sticker in that town :) enjoys!!

6 Coment:

  1. wha la ini, koq br muncul postinganya?

  2. @glo: hahaha kan baru post aku'a, ini pas lebaran glo nyebar'a hahahha :)

    kan masih disukabumi ndu sekarang :) hehehe

  3. Nanti orang2 bakal search di internet, "apa sih PRUART itu?" :D

  4. @febriasop: hahahaha. semoga seperti itu nyari'a namun enggk nyari masalah annti'a heheh

  5. @Journey To Cacth my dream: long name for u. . . . hello to illustrator artist :) nice to know u



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